Take an interactive tour of Gain.

Gain was designed to make the marketing workflow and approval process seamless for agencies and their clients. This quick interactive tour will walk you through the basics: creating content and sending it to approval.

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See Gain in action.

Too busy for a live call? Watch a demo video to see how much easier it'll be to get all your approvals through Gain.

Learn Gain in ten minutes

Watch this 10 minute product demo to see how easy it is to create and upload content, and how Gain automatically shares it with your approvers, gets their feedback, and keeps things moving along.

Watch how approvers receive and approve content in Gain

In this short video, you'll see how easy it is for approvers to receive content, annotate and give precise feedback, and finally, approve!

Still have questions? Connect with a human!

If you're still wondering if Gain's a good fit for you and your team, talk to us! Our team can help you determine how to use Gain to fix all your social and marketing approval pains.

You won't know how great it is until you try it.